Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I Will Now Introduce Myself

Hello, earth inhabitants. My name is Pico. I am an occasional visitor to your world. My world? It is closer than you think, for it is in a parallel dimension, accessible only through portals known to a few, and sometimes entered (although not always departed) by accident. It is not possible to transliterate the name of my world and for you it is unpronounceable -- say xzctskiiikstk! There you have it! For convenience I will call it X

I will explain how I, Pico, (name simplified for earthlings) travel to this plane. Think of an elevator, or lift. Every day you use it to travel from level 8 to level 1, and later back again. The numbers are on buttons on the wall and pushed according to the level a passenger wishes it to stop, say 1 to 12.. But sometimes the elevator stops between 2 levels. The door may open. Someone may enter the elevator from outside or someone may exit.

That is how we arrive here for making discoveries and observation, and later return to X. I imagine you may be somewhat puzzled. Do you wonder why some people have the opportunity to exit on an unnumbered level? Perhaps we know which liftss to use!

Now you may wonder what I and the inhabitants of X look like and act like. I will tell you. We are exactly like you! Except we are all the same size. The great diversity of sizes on earth is a cause for much amusement for me and my mates, especially for sex. I mean that men are generally larger than women. We have sex too. But our gender is not expressed by physical differences for we look all the same. I mean we would to you but not to us. Besides, we have more genders than you for different purposes. For now we finish sex. More later. Much more.

Now, I must say ciao, to all you people on the Internet, I might also say, on this electronic dimension. I hope I have made the right decision to blog about dimension X and my observations of X. I have much to tell you. Some wanted to use television explain about us, others thought of cinema. But I think this weblog is less frightening for earthlings to learn some things for the first time.

So au revoir for a little while.

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