Sunday, October 7, 2007


How very amusing it is to see a human walking in a public place, suddenly stop in its tracks, search franticly and worriedly through an enormous carry-bag or leather rectangular case of some sort. If they find what they are looking for, they relax and continue on their way. If not, they go on looking even more worried. It appears that they are not searching for an item which is required for immediate use, but for something that they just happened to think of and want to make sure it is where it should be.

[Sheena says that she was once walking with a woman companion in a large city who suddenly stopped and performed this action. A mounted policeman was at the curb and his horse suddenly tried to mount the curb in a frightening manner. The officer quickly reined him in, explaining that women often carried apples to bestow on such working animals and his horse must have thought that this was what was happening. This seems a benevolent act which humans might emulate more often.]

Are not all humans frequently noting the absence of something out of place or which they have just put down? I believe this to be true and it causes them much frustration and anguish. Sometimes they become angry and accuse others of taking, moving, or removing their property. Others believe themselves the victims of spiteful pranks by invisible (there we go again) creatures who delight in pestering mankind. Sometimes the lost items reappear, perhaps in a different place and unexpectedly, perhaps replaced by the mischievous thieves.

If a lost ring turns up after many years in the innards of a fish, it may mean that it has passed from smaller fish to bigger fish through many generations tasty dining -- or it may indeed have been placed there by a sprite. I suggest that you concern yourselves less with what seems reasonable and scientific, and more with what is the simplest explanation.

Unfortunately there is no all-inclusive answer for sudden disappearances. There are human pranksters and human thieves, and perhaps some of you are besieged by invisible pests. Remember, everything is in a state of flux. As I was told by
a being who found itself recently departed from the plane of the living:

"Life is a disappearing act."

Saturday, October 6, 2007


I have been surprised by the great number of invisible inhabitants of your dimension. Perhaps I must "believe" to be able to see them? That may be, since most of the human inhabitants are unable to see them either, even while they believe "something or someone" is there.

The way it works apparently is that since early humans appeared on Earth they noticed such events as rain, thunder, lightening, sickness, accidents, and beings they either saw directly or out of the corner of their eyes. Each effect had to have had a cause, and the imagination of the human mind being well-developed in many individuals, a large array of forest sprites, ghosts, and powerful nature gods began to inhabit the land.

Or, perhaps a race of mostly invisible creatures began to emerge to reveal itself to the evolving human brain. A class of trained professionals, who also had much natural talent, began to arise as intermediaries between humans and the spirit world. (Correct me if I am wrong. I am here to learn.)

Although in many parts of this dimension large groups still hold these beliefs, often alongside belief systems imposed on them by powerful invaders, the descendants of whom inhabit today less powerful nations, these two systems do not marry well. Also the older belief systems are and have long been despised by the professionals who brought them the blessings of their own beliefs. Ironically, their own systems are deeply rooted in the same "superstition" that they claim is inferior. They usually claim that there is no connection between, I believe it is called "monotheism" and ancient beliefs, but to me the similarities are extremely striking. Belief in invisible beings, for one.

The characteristics of the Supreme Deity vary in different cultures, such as possessing wisdom and mercy. Yet It is reported in history that It has sometimes been merciless, even bloodthirsty. Perhaps calling the Deity merciful is a desperate attempt to persuade It to actually behave that way.

These points puzzle me: the Supreme Deity is considered to be eternal, but no humans have been around long enough to be certain of that; It is wise, awesome, magnificent, all-powerful, perfect, and unchanging; mankind was created in Its image. Hold on a bit, no human has been or will be in existence long enough or has even caught a glimpse of the Deity, to be sure of any of that. They believe what they have been told or read.

The Deity is perfect. But there is no such thing as perfection, or even perfectibility. Now if the Deity is perfect then it presumably never changed and never will change. If It does change then will human believers still find It perfect? I have been taught that everything in the universes is changing. But you say that the Deity is immutable? That may mean It is not of this Universe or any one I have ever heard of! Also, if It is all-powerful it may certainly be able to change Itself, if only Its Mind.

It is said to be conscious of everything existing and happening on Earth, but It reacts to these creatures and events haphazardly and capriciously with a logic (if any) that is not clear to mankind. The more I learn of the Supreme Deity I have the impression that it is, in a sense, on auto-pilot, although perhaps this is a temporary state.

I realize that you, my friends, are a sensitive race, and I hope that you have not been offended by suggestions that the Supreme Deity has been programmed, thus implying that It has been created by some other entity.

In truth, I do not "believe" one way or the other, I only love to muse and ponder.

Sunday, September 30, 2007


In the Earth Dimension it seems that the inhabitants never have enough time, even though their life spans often are much longer than other species which do not care to communicate or are unable to. Such as those known as "Insects" and "Fish." I have tried to comprehend humans' attitude toward Time by their many accustomed expressions about it, such, "I have no time for [that]", "Do not put off until tomorrow that which you can do today," or even, "It is time to eat" or "It is time to work," etc. And I have been told that "Time is the enemy of neurotics."

I particularly like to learn expressions which attempt to qualify, describe, or somehow take hold of time, limit it, and turn it into a possession. "Time is a river, time is a hard taskmaster"* I do not understand such terms. I only know that I exist in space and time. It does not exert pressure upon on me and if at any point there is no more time, I probably will not be aware of it or of anything at all. However I do understand that my human friend's time is limited and I will try not to use up too much of it before there is no more left to spend with me!

*I have not of course commented on time in scientific studies such as cosmology and physics, nor do I interest myself in more practical applications such as time and motion studies. I have preferred to begin a superficial look at the more human aspect as reflected in colloquial speech.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

We Are Not Here to Help You

One thing that I have noticed about humans is they often look at the sky, either to see if they can judge if the weather will change, or because they admire the different manifestations of the atmosphere, or to watch animals flying in the sky. There are other reasons too I believe. For example, aggressive humans attack each other from the sky or drop destructive weapons on their enemies. And the reason which is most curious to me is that they are hoping to see creatures from other planets which often land in their machines, communicate with humans, and sometimes abduct them from their home planet and take them … who knows where …

I know this and although I have never seen either the other-worlders or their vehicles, I know that usually those who return from their enforced flight often complain that they have been mistreated by the travelers humans call “aliens.” They say that the aliens “study” them and subject them to painful or uncomfortable tests. I and others from Dimension X are certainly are not here to hurt you. Nor are we here to help you.

What a strange and unpleasant race these aliens must be! I, Pico, have personally invited several humans who were curious about Dimension X to cross through the portal and see it for themselves. Rest assured that we never harm them, although they do complain a bit. About the food that all tastes the same to them, the inhabitants who all look alike to them, and what they think is monotonous landscape. One asked, “what if I saw someone I thought was a domesticated pet and tried to stroke it in a friendly way. Would I get into trouble if it turned out that I had stroked some important personage instead?”

How amusing. Of course not, but the human might never want to do it again because contact with our bodies produces a slight electrical charge which humans seem to dislike very much. To us, however, it is the equivalent of kissing.

As to studying you, no fear of that. All the studying I do is by observation in your own dimension. Most of my co-Xers are not in the least curious about you. (I am one of the few exceptions.) They can learn all they care to at a single glance. And there you have the major difference between us and those Aliens who won’t take no for an answer: we know that there is nothing to be gained by force and have learned that you will eagerly tell us everything we might want to know … and so much more.

I admit that one of my major aims in traveling here is to find harmless amusement and I and a few companions find it in the following way. We have observed that humans have a tremendous curiosity about the Aliens and their UFO vehicles and have learned from you what their appearance generally is, enabling produce spectacles for your enjoyment and amazement by means of projecting holograms* in the night sky, sometimes over a remote desert area with few inhabitants, sometimes over large cities like Mexico City or Berlin. Sometimes I cause weather balloons to fall to the ground where they can be found by humans and somehow they find non-terrestrial metallic objects, often with mysterious signs on them, which are found among the balloon wreckage. I like to observe what humans make of these remains.

However, I must admit that I sometimes learn on subsequent visits here that there have been similar incidents in our absence which we know nothing about! That calls for further study.

*Pico objects to my resorting to "holography" to explain these images. He says it is the result of reading too much science fiction in my youth, but it was the best I could do given my non-existent grasp of physics and difficulty in transcribing his highly technical and largely non-verbal communications. I looked it all up in Wikipedia, submitted my suggestions, and at last he found the term "volumetric 3-D displays" acceptable.--Sheena

Thursday, August 30, 2007


I have observed that earthlings, or humans as they seem to prefer being called, often live with other species which owe their existence mainly to their human admirers. Humans keep one or more individuals or species in their residences, feed them, entertain them, lavish affection on them and talk to them. These creatures have been observed to speak to each other and to humans but I have not yet discovered discernable patterns of language in their "speech".

Often these beings have long soft hair or fur and very flexible ears. Their senses are much more evolved than humans' and they are usually, but not always, of smaller size, and can be carried much as very young humans are. I have also seen humans ride on the backs of large ones. Some humans seem to prefer these favorites to their own offspring!

In Dimension X we also have favorites. They look exactly like us but are easily recognizable. Just as earth has species which are not favorites but which prefer to live independently, usually in places avoided by humans, X has some beings which prefer to live apart, alone or in groups of their own kind. The difference is that we do not fear them, nor they us. We do not kill each other, nor do we place them in enclosed areas where they can be admired by others.

I am trying to comprehend certain variations of this behavior. Here is an example. I have observed humans to extremely prefer another human, usually but not always of a different gender, and treat them like the small furred or feathered ones. They have them in their personal residences and treat them like pets, feed them, talk to them, and lavish affection on them. I am not sure what role this behavior plays in your society.

Please be free to add to my knowledge and also to ask me questions. Aus weidersehn, amici.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I Will Now Introduce Myself

Hello, earth inhabitants. My name is Pico. I am an occasional visitor to your world. My world? It is closer than you think, for it is in a parallel dimension, accessible only through portals known to a few, and sometimes entered (although not always departed) by accident. It is not possible to transliterate the name of my world and for you it is unpronounceable -- say xzctskiiikstk! There you have it! For convenience I will call it X

I will explain how I, Pico, (name simplified for earthlings) travel to this plane. Think of an elevator, or lift. Every day you use it to travel from level 8 to level 1, and later back again. The numbers are on buttons on the wall and pushed according to the level a passenger wishes it to stop, say 1 to 12.. But sometimes the elevator stops between 2 levels. The door may open. Someone may enter the elevator from outside or someone may exit.

That is how we arrive here for making discoveries and observation, and later return to X. I imagine you may be somewhat puzzled. Do you wonder why some people have the opportunity to exit on an unnumbered level? Perhaps we know which liftss to use!

Now you may wonder what I and the inhabitants of X look like and act like. I will tell you. We are exactly like you! Except we are all the same size. The great diversity of sizes on earth is a cause for much amusement for me and my mates, especially for sex. I mean that men are generally larger than women. We have sex too. But our gender is not expressed by physical differences for we look all the same. I mean we would to you but not to us. Besides, we have more genders than you for different purposes. For now we finish sex. More later. Much more.

Now, I must say ciao, to all you people on the Internet, I might also say, on this electronic dimension. I hope I have made the right decision to blog about dimension X and my observations of X. I have much to tell you. Some wanted to use television explain about us, others thought of cinema. But I think this weblog is less frightening for earthlings to learn some things for the first time.

So au revoir for a little while.